A warning about Lasik

I know this sounds unimportant and irrelevant, but I feel like it might be helpful.

I got Lasik last year and it left me with permanent streams of light coming out of every light source at night. I never had that before the surgery. I can’t do anything about it because I think I signed a liablity waiver.

If you are considering Lasik please consider the risk, too. I would have been better off just getting contact lenses.

Now I’m going to need glare-resistant glasses or contacts, completely defeating the purpose of lasik in the first place.


I had Lasik done about 1999 when I was about 39 years old. I had worn glasses since third grade but after the procedure I did not need glasses or contacts anymore. The clinic warned me that as I grew older I would probably need reading glasses. And they were right. I don’t need any type of glasses to be on the computer but I need reading glasses from Rite-Aid to read books.

Before I committed myself to getting the operation the clinic had me watch a short video about Lasik. It explained the procedure and it talked about the risks. Yes, the video explained the surgery would not work for a small minority of people and could even be harmful, as you discovered. So they should have warned you up front before you consented to have it done and before you paid anything.

Thousands and thousands and thousands of these surgeries have been done by now. If all these clinics doing these operations were harming lots of people they would have been shut down long ago. You were unlucky enough to be in that small percentage that the operation had not been a 100% effective. I know what I’m saying is no help to you personally, but the risk for the vast majority of people is very small.

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That’s unfortunate. If I am ever a considering it, I’ll remember your post. Thanks :hugs:

At the end of the day all I care about is the blurry streaks of light all over the room, one more thing I can’t go back and change. People are free to do as they wish.

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my mom has this. She got a pair of glasses to wear at night to help with the lights/glare/halo whatever. She said they are amazing.

I was legally blind until I had lasik surgery. I knew about the risks but my vision was so poor it didn’t matter to me. For 10 years after lasik I was 20/20! Now I need weak glasses but it sure beats what I had going on before!

I had light halos for a while after Lasik, but they went away eventually.

Sorry that you have light streams! Hopefully they’ll get better.

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