Two. I had delusion of them being Adam and Eve, but they don’t say.
Are they bad or good?
Hard to tell but they sometimes call me jew
It’s not bad to be jew
Added with a bad word
What meds do you take?
My voices insult me and make me feel bad about myself…uggh.
Seroquel, latuda, depakote
When a voice insults me, a good voice appears and talks back
Do they work? What do you think?
I’d be lot worse without
Yeah, me too. I am grateful I am outside the hospital
I can tolerate the voices but not thought broadcasting with people. Wondering why my dna test takes so long since it’s already been three weeks from it.
Thought broadcasting must be tough. I have never experienced it
People insert sentences usually inbetween real sentences or give feedback right after.
What kind of thoughts are inserted in your mind?
And what kind of feedback?
Just anything that I might have thought of or mind reading
Don’t know how long I can really go with thought broadcasting. Only feel like laying on bed when that happens.
Maybe you need a med adjustment