Every time i think im getting better mania creeps in. I actually left the house for the first time in about a month, and when i stepped off the bus suddenly my arms felt non existent, like my hands were floating, then my stomach felt hollow. Ita still there but im trying to ground and not be distressed. And my mind is racing more than usual and the world looks brighter and my mood is hard to really describe. Like a frenzy. But! Im on my way to get labs done so i can start depakote. I really hope this helps because ive been in this episode since august and im way exhausted by it
I hope it helps.
I hope you can find your grounding again.
I’ve never experienced mania but I’ve heard it can be expensive.
It can be for some people yeah. My boyfriend buys pinball machines when hes manic. I fortunately dont have much of a problem with spending when manic, but i do spend more impulsively than normal.
Yeah I bought I think it was a 2 thousand dollar coffee maker one time while manic I was thinking I could start a coffee company with that coffee maker that would become bigger than Starbucks it’s hilarious when I think about it now we returned it to Amazon
Hey at least you got your money back lol
One thing that shocks me about my mania is how good I can feel at the time it’s happening I feel really incredibly amazing then crash into a hell
Depakote is a great med, good luck with it @Moon
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