Mania, mania and more mania

I don’t understand why I feel like I’m on the edge of going manic. The thoughts keep pushing the limits of my brain and bouncing back. Not quite circles yet, still a straight line, but no follow through really. I’ve got a million things going and I like it. That’s not me btw. I gave up multi tasking years ago when I realized the damage it could do a person and how I valued putting my heart into doing one thing at a time. But now I’m feeling like I could do it all and that’s not me. Ok, so what do I do? It’s not bad yet, I noticed it a little last night for about an hour, then it passed and I was able to sleep well. My pdoc is unavailable till Monday. I just got out of the hospital where I was hospitalized for danger to self and diagnosed manic. I am not currently a danger to self and I can see it, whereas before I had no clue. So if I have insight that’s a safer situation right? I can safeguard against impulsive behaviors and such. What are some of the things you’ve done to help yourselves when you felt yourself when you started going manic?

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if you have an impulsive idea, especially one that costs money, come back to that idea in 3 weeks. Then you see if that idea is still a good one.


Unfortunately, I have no insight as to when I am turning manic. So I am not one to be able to advise you. Although I think @anon31257746’s idea is a great one.


@Leaf are you currently on an Antidepressant or stimulant?
This can trigger mania.


I was on 200mg Zoloft which made me manic, I just got out of the hospital. They stopped it cold turkey. The brain zaps got to be too much to bear so yesterday my pdoc put me on a tiny dose of Zoloft, hair of the dog don’t you know. But I’m just destabilized and once that pendulum starts it just keeps going. Maybe that’s just me. So I’ve been swinging since the end of July. I thought it would have stopped by now but jeeze-us it won’t stop. And everything hurts my feelings and makes me cry. And everything pisses me off, which is totally against my personality. And sometimes I sleep and sometimes I can’t. Same with eating. It’s all very disturbing. Luckily the swings are pretty quick so I’m not doing too much damage, like spending too much money or doing heroin or sleeping around. Mostly I’m just blathering on like an idiot.

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Maybe you shouldn’t even be on a tiny dose.
I would try to get in touch with your pdoc if it continues.

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I recently caught my mania creeping up on me and i think what is helping me control it is to confide in someone about my delusions. For me those two go hand-in-hand. Im still in manic mode right now but im confident i wont break because of my supportisI just dont let the seeds get planted or if they do i dont water it


That’s great you have insight. This one caught me totally of guard, I mean when they told me at the hospital I was manic I looked at her like she was an alien. But once my brain slowed down I was like oooh shite that explains a lot. Now I know some new symptoms that I never knew and always assumed were anxiety so next time I can recognize it hopefully. If we know we’re in a battle then we can fight.

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Exactly! I think another reason ive managed to avoid another snap in these last years is that i direct a little bit of obsessivesness/mania towards hyper analyzing my thoughts and behaviours looking to remove the kinds of things that brought me to the hospital the first time. “Alli vamos en la lucha” A phrase i use down here in Costa Rica that means roughly “we move forward in the fight”

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Hi leaf. It’s nice to see you again. I was wondering where you’ve been.

When I start looking at things to buy and start staying up all night because of it, I know that I’m going into a manic phase. That is the only sign I’ve identified so far. I’m sorry you are having trouble. When I notice myself going into mania, I contact my pdoc right away. If I don’t, it gets worse. I can’t handle that downward spiral well.

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