Olanzapin Diabetes

I’m a Olanzapin user for over 10 years. Who got Diabetes from Olanzapin? And who not. Is it a great risk?

I got diabetes type 2 from risperidone.

I lost weight to see if it could rid me of it. I got down to 72kg and still had diabetes. It is med induced for me.

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I came down with diabetes in 2011 when I was on Olanzapine. I had been on it steady since 2008. Before that I wasn’t taking it regularly and was unmedicated most of the time. I’m not sure when it was I first started taking it, as I was out of it most of the time.

After the diabetes, I switched to Risperidone and was on it until last Summer 2020, when I switched to Abilify.

My pdoc wouldn’t say it was the Olanzapine that caused my diabetes.

Yes, Olanzapine gave me diabetes, had diabetes for over 10 years now. Although I take my diabetes meds everyday and my A1C is really good so I am not too concerned about it. I watch what I eat and exercise a little.

It is not just olanzapine, but all aps.

Mystery of Metabolic Dysfunction in Psychiatric Patients Solved. The Key? Dopamine in the pancreas - News - Schizophrenia.com

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i think olanzapine probably has a higher risk tho due to its potential to turn you into a ravenous bear awaking from hibernation. i gained 170 lbs on it but my blood sugar was in normal ranges. cholesterol was high tho.
i felt like i had prader-willi syndrome it was stressful and painful to eat so much to the point my stomach hurt than as soon as the pain goes away eating more

Olanzapine for 14 years. Never had diabetes, but then again I have mostly been on low doses like 7’5-5mg. Also I have never weighed more than about 200-210 pounds.

I think I was taking 20mg Olanzapine and weighed 340lbs 154kg. I really put on the weight.

My triglycerides were greatly elevated on Olanzapine, which is the reason the doc stopped me from taking it. Which is unfortunate as it worked well for me.

I’m long time on zyprexa but no problems. I’ve actually lost weight on it but I try to eat well and that means portion sizes and now I’m tracking it with a fitbit program.

I take statins but I’m doing well physically. It really is a balancing act with the meds and your body type and eating habits…it’s easy to gain weight and problems and less easy to lose them…but it is possible with some good discipline.

I gained 50 pounds on olanzapine. Zyprexa causes massive weight gain. Occasionally I hear about some people who exercise all of the time on Olanzapine to prevent weight gain. But, who has this kind of energy and time? It did take away all of my positive symptoms and did wonders for my illness. However, it made me pre-diabetic and a heart attack waiting to happen. Clozapine also was effective but was a hassle with its mandatory blood draws. I like Abilify and will stay on it.