I kept thinking that most of you were trolls for a while so have been away from here but paranoia got the better of me, i get paranoid a lot
glad you’re back !! yes, paranoia used to make me think there were a bunch of trolls here once too.
Yes its so real paranoia it makes me hyper alert and read everything wrong but i really can’t help it
I also think everyone must have blocked me because only a couple of people ever reply. I guess im just not cut out for social anymore, i never really was
I’m going through something like that right now. Thinking everybody is sick of me lol
Yes i just don’t feel like going to any social media anymore
This place is safer than anywhere else thou and its nice just to read through when your bored or struggling
Bro its a schizo forum, everyone is thimking the same thing and people dont post as much as they read
I know that broken but like you said knowing doesn’t stop you from those feelings… The distortion/ delusions are strong
Alright man, just thought you were getting down a bit
Yea … I think I need to stop thinking everything is about me… the world makes sense… It’s just my mind that’s distorted
This is a slow forum most days, there are little short convos that happen but dont feel f’d up if nibody responds
@broken @anon31960475 @jukebox
Ive shared a lot of personal details on this forum the past 2 years like details about my mental illness, family, trauma, finances hubby being ill, work past etc. And it feels like its all lost in the site. Thousands of people all over the world reading about me in dribs and drabs, pieces and on this actual site i only get replies off a couple of users. Its all a waste of time. Its so difficult the way the forum is layed out to make conversations and people keep changing their username
well I can tell you I will always be jukebox …I hear you…it can seem a bit cold…but I look for the good in the forum and there’s a lot of it.
It’s nit a super high volume site. The nature of the illness is that the people are a little withdrawn I think. One purpose of the site is to build a big base of info for people to read anonymously online for self help and edycation etc. So even if you arnt getting the social feedback you need, you are still making something valuable possibly
Ive only just read tonight @LilyoftheValley saying she was previously @zmagal and i went few months wondering who the heck @LilyoftheValley was thinking she was a troll?? Its just messed up
i agree with u there. when people change their usernames i have no idea who they are anymore. even if i happen to catch their post asking to change their username i cant remember the change. i suspect there is at least a few people who i had previous chats with that a no longer know who they are. i dont like it. thats why i dont change mine even tho i do get paranoid
Hows your physical health doing have you been for all your checks?
Ive got high cholesterol still on meds for it now
i got cardiology appt next week so wont know til then but im managing to bring my anxiety by headphones and sensory stuff which is helping my chest not hurt
other than the meds changing my ekg i think im ok metabolically anyway
Thats good well good luck next week with appointment