Been feeling paranoid about forum

Been feeling paranoid about the forum thats why im not on here as much. Im uneasy feeling like everyone is not being themselves. I hate it when this happens. I feel paranoid a lot more lately and struggling. I don’t know what to say except im sorry if ive gotten it wrong about people here.


You’re okay Ducky. I have nothing against u. :pray:


Hope U stick around @Ducky

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To be fair i dont think many of us know what “being ourself” really is anymore. I feel like i float between different concious states throught the year.

I wouldnt worry about anyone here. Its chill


Im not okay though my paranoia is through the roof with everything. I was sat in my living room earlier and thought i was being watched and thought a neighbour was going to shoot me through the window. Honestly my hubby sleep is bad so im on my own too much resulting in me struggling like this more.
Thanks for being nice


Thanks @LevelJ1 so everything here is chilled and im easily triggered rn lol. Wish i was chilled


I’ve been paranoid in the past with neighbor delusions. I get it and I know it’s scary because they’re close in proximity to you.

That was hard for me too. I get it.

I just want to say that you’re safe here. No one ever says anything negative about you. I know it might not help when you’re not feeling well, but I hope this still helps.


I cant relate to this Im usually pretty calm and chill most of the time except going to Doctors appointments and having to talk to anyone being on the phone or in real life I panic then my Social skills interacting with people in real life is that I have no social skills st all but online talking to people is a piece of cake I can j ust type in how I feel instead of verbal which I suck at terribly I feel for you though must be hard to feel that way on the forum or anywhere else so sorry youre having such a tough time @Ducky


Thanks for being so considerate and understanding @HollyHobby @psychward101
I just rang my dad and spoke to him about my thoughts he has helped a bit. Ive also took a diazapam to try and calm down a bit, i am really frazzled atm


No I just meant u don’t need to feel paranoid about me. I’m being myself, :blush::scream:

Sorry to hear about the challenges atm.

It sounds really difficult

Hope u feel better soon enuf. Tell ur pdoc. If it doesn’t go away


Thank you @Zoe appreciate that, take care, hugs!



You’ve been through so much this month, Ducky. Try to get some rest and hopefully these paranoid thoughts will pass.

Remember, we all consider you a valued member of this forum. :pray:


Thanks same to you. Im going to bed soon the diazapam is working. Im sure I’ll feel better once hubbys sleep is normal again and im not alone so much. Hugs


Try not to worry @ducky. We love you!


Love you! Night



Goodnight x

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I find when I run low on sleep. I frequently start to get paranoid thoughts, including about the forum, but because it only happens when I, super low on sleep I know it’s not the forum at all

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oh Ducky I’m sorry you haven’t been well…here’s hoping you feel better.

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Thanks @jukebox and @AppleKidd i hope you both are doing okay. Yes tiredness definitely contributes to poor mental state. I find just too much time alone is triggering me at the moment.

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Well…I hope you get some energy going soon! Also glad your out of hospital… breathing problems are scary…

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