Ok ok ok. Let me change my way of thinking

It was my first week in the workplace on reception and things felt very daunting. But I guess it’s my first week I’m bound to make mistakes. I’m still learning ! I can do this. I will get better at this. I’ll give this a few more weeks.


I think it’s admirable how hard you try to work. I tend to give up more easily.


I try to push myself. I want this to work. My partner says I wouldn’t be happy not working. I kinda agree but at the same time I feel a lot of pressure to be working.


I feel that pressure too.


Take heart. It takes a few good months before one really feels comfortable in a new job.

The first few days you are overwhelmed with information and just want to run home and cry. But it does get better until you reach the point where you can do your job in your sleep.

This has been my own experiences working in new fields.


I’m still looking for a job but its hard to find anything that I can do under 15 hrs a week :frowning: almost impossible.

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Good job! @anon25873142 Thats the right attitude. You can do it :blush:

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@Patrick is right. My dad told me this too thirty years ago. It takes about three months to really know what a job is about. By that time, you know most of the basics of what tasks need to be done and you know your co-workers a little better. You’re right though, in the beginning you will make some mistakes and a good employer knows this too and will allow for it.


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