Oh no! not again!

I have a real problem with my laugh, I was in the store and I began to laugh extremely hard and everyone was looking at me like “WTF is wrong with this guy?” even a guy who work there tought I was laughing of him, but in fact I couldnt hold my laughter because I imagined funny stuff (Its impossible to stop these thoughts because I have OCD) I couldnt even use my earphones because they were tangled. I have this problem since I was 14 years old, but in that time I could control it image (I was thinking in this guy, I dont know how can I find a job with this problem)

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Inappropriate laughter is a symptom of mental illness. I also came across it in fellow patients when I was in hospital.


I laugh too and people always want to know what’s so funny…, I just say nothing😜


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