Odd Delusions of Reference

I’ve mostly recovered from my hallucinations thanks to my medication. My current problem is mostly in how I process external stimuli. Especially the English language and music. Sometimes writing, mostly spoken word. My delusions of reference tend to consist of random phrases/words that trouble me, especially phrases that wish me harm and those of a possibly sexual nature. Seems like a lot of confirmation bias at work as well. Does anyone else suffer from this type of issue?


I also gravitate towards phrases like “wake up,” which I know to be 100% delusion. This is reality and there’s no other alternate reality to “wake up” to. I’ve started viewing these symptoms as communication from demons, which sounds very stereotypical but I believe in demons.

Maybe they’re just trying to tell me to pay attention lol, “wake up” like “hey, over here!” like Navi from Zelda lol

yeah I have that too.

sometimes certain phrases - trigger paranoia and I magnify it in my mind.

it’s just so unusual that when I explain it to someone they will not understand. but I totally get it.

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Have any of the things they’ve said ever come true, or is it safe for me to dismiss them as part of my illness and ignore what they say?

just tell yourself every time you have a thought like that

#who cares
#what is gonna change even if the phrase means something else

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Yes! They’ve been saying the same crap for almost three years, and yet here I am, recovering and getting way better more and more every single day.

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I should start viewing “wake up” to mean “hey, you’re getting delusion.” Like, “hey, stop focusing on your mental illness-created fantasy hellscape” lol

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I’m glad the meds are helping though. That’s good news.

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Yes, very. Thank you.

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I have thoughts that are bizarre references to my psychotic episodes. Only when m under stress like in public or out on the town. It’s like certain words or phrases recycle themselves that only had meaning whilst I was psychotic. It’s very distressing and a reminder that recovery is hard.

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