Delusions of reference

I’ve been having beliefs about knowing people’s thoughts sometimes. I also sometimes receive messages from crows etc. that predict the future or tell me I have certain powers. Sometimes it feels good but other times it’s scary.

If you have delusions of reference, how do you deal with them?

There are times where I tell myself, no, this is just the illness. But then other times things happen that I’ve received messages on and then I have a hard time believing it’s not real. Sometimes I even think both are true - that I do receive messages but that sometimes it’s just in my head and other times it’s real

I’ve dealt with this since I was a child.

Any suggestions?


I had ‘delusions of reference’ and ‘delusions of persecution’ in spades.

Time, medication and finally insight stopped it in it’s tracks. I haven’t had an ‘episode’ in 2 and a half years.

But I do know when you are in the thick of it, the delusion does seem very real.

Good Luck! :slight_smile:


Thanks @Patrick I still have a lot of issues. I’ve been tweaking my meds for some time now. I’m just curious what others do

I get Abilify Injections every 3 weeks…seems to take the edge off of my nuttiness.


I’m on risperidone. It’s helped me more than any other med so far.

Risperidone gave me the twitches and restless legs while trying to sleep. I got off of that med right away.

But that was just my own experience…everyone reacts differently I suppose.


For me, risperidone calms my mind down which lowers my anxiety significantly


Thought broadcasting is a common delusion.
Knowing people’s thoughts doesn’t sound as bad as getting your mind read by others, or getting intrusive, unwanted thoughts.

Apart from medication, I’ve found it helpful to develop a skeptical mindset. I used to believe in zodiac signs, telepathy etc. Not anymore. I keep repeating myself: it’s just a coincidence.

Some delusions follow you around for a long time. I don’t have a surefire solution, maybe nobody does.


I have a bunch of “delusions,” which I don’t think I will abandon for the rest of my life. I have also been taking a bunch of anti-psychotic medications, but the medications can only alleviate a person’s symptoms, they can never alter one’s ideas or thoughts. But that’s okay, so long as I can live a relatively “good,” “normal” life, holding “delusions” is fine and acceptable for me.

For example, I believe in the existence of telepathy, and indeed no one can prove it or disprove it at present, but then what? Does that even matter? Even if psychics exist, they are definitely the minority, and, so long as they don’t hurt me or do damage to me, I can still leave a “normal” life. Think in this way: in Harry Potter, wizardry exists, but it doesn’t have a major impact on the muggles’ world. The wizards are the minority, and the majority of the population don’t have magical powers. The world still functions normally, despite the concurrence between the natural and the supernatural.

I’m not sure about the best way to deal with “delusions,” since different “delusions” are “wrong” in their own ways, and they should be examined individually. There is no generalization. But my way to deal with them is to set aside them for a while, and to concentrate on other things, including daily life and future plan and any goals for the near future or for life. Then I stick to my plan and live my life accordingly. If one certain problem cannot be solved at present, then just set aside the dispute and argument, and maybe we can return to this problem and deal with it at a future date. There’s no rush in it. The definition of having a strong mindset is that you have a lot of big things and big secrets in your mind, but in the meanwhile you can still live happily and fruitfully. I reckon that having this capability is essential if you want to deal with schizophrenia, or achieve anything big in your life.

You said that you can receive messages from crows, so we may also use Game of Thrones as an example. In that universe, wizardry, magic, and dragons all exist, but the people who do not have any magical powers are still the majority. And having magical powers or special aids are not an indicator or criteria for a person’s success, even in that world of abnormality. Stannis Baratheon had Melisandre and the Lord of Light on his side, but did he claim the Iron Throne? The beings of paranormal characteristics, including the Night King, mostly and generally didn’t last for long or became very successful. Bran Stark was “successful” and lived until the end, but it’s not because of his abilities, it’s because he had a benevolent, gentle heart. As we can see, the key to success is not arguing whether some certain “delusions” are true or false, the key to success is to have a good, kind, and gentle heart. Sorry for the spoilers by the way


Moved to Unusual Beliefs.

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Wow @popkart . Very insightful post. Thank you

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I’ve always had a paranoid bent to me growing up like thinking people were talking bad about me. I had auditory processing problems I guess. I would hear noise and interpret it as speech. Right now, at night, I hear the dogs barking and it sounds like people saying really shitty things about me. I think it’s a new symptom. I’ve been learning to ignore it.

Anyone else relate?


I guess on Vraylar (before Zyprexa) I thought I heard people talking about me on loud speakers far away. It was like I was zoning or honing in on the loud noise. I guess it’s paranoia.


I don’t hear speech in white noise or other sounds luckily. I’m sorry you do. That would bother me a lot

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I m thinking to take injektion. Because when I’m looking the pills I have struggling not to take another and another.i have struggling with very bad form of schizoprenia. Everything started like game, I have had delusion that someone write bad things of me on one popular forum in mine country. Then I think the ppl and cars are following me everywhere. Than that tv js speaking about me. I was in very bad situation because all of this schizoprenia time of 11 years I haven’t got very much supportive from mine parents and sister.

Also from the all therapy I ve gain 40 kg plus.
I want to ask if I start with injektion does I will be able sometimes in future to have kids? And do I will have the same hungry needs?

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I don’t know if injections will help you. You may need a different med or have another med added to what you’re currently taking. I think you should tell your doctor about your issues so they can help you


I relate. Faint sounds are worse for me. I guess that’s because there’s more “room for interpretation.”

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I wear headphones, with rain sounds or chill music on, a lot of the time and that seems to help.

Knowing people’s thoughts can be very torturing as well. I get both telepathy and thought broadcasting paranoia. They are both pure hell. I find that they are eased with AP medications. @Andrey


Same… Before my doc Increased my latuda it was hell. APs definitely helped with this stuff.

Also… I’ve read a lot of your posts and your a strong lady skinnyMe :muscle:t5::heart: