Before taking my pych meds, i get this ocd doubt that my hands are wet even though i can feel that they are not. Im not able to trust my vision and senses. So I rigorously dry my hands with towel, sometimes for 30 minutes and more. The ocd cycle starts and i keep getting the doubt that i might have not cleaned my hands with towel properly.
So i feel if my hands are wet, then i must not touch my meds cuz they might become defective and i will relapse as a result.
How can I stop this hand drying compulsion ? How do i convince myself that my hands are not wet.
I’m having ocd issues as well, in my case my pdoc said it was because of the risperidone.
Talk with your doc about it, maybe he can prescribe you something that tackles ocd.
I previously thought it was OCD but now realizing its due to catatonia. The difference is very important. The conventional drugs used for OCD like SSRI and other serotonin drugs worsens the OCD if its due to catatonia. The mechanism is like this. Serotonin opposes dopamine. Dopamine lowering result in poor working memory which makes it hard to carry multiple information at same time.
If its due to catatonia then its due to low dopamine in certain part in the brain especially prefrontal cortex the area linked to executive function, working memory etc. To reduce this kind of OCD need to improve dopamine function. AP lowers dopamine so taking some AP can worsen this kind of OCD.