Note about feelings

Before supposed SZA:
Even when I was depressed before I felt better than I do now with everything feeling like artificial happiness and being paranoid about it. And I was thinner than too. And looked more natural and didn’t have to worry about looking artificially pretty. Anyone on the same boat as me?


Well I don’t think any one thing I better than another…each is good in its own time…

Gaining weight and wrinkles etc is normal as we age…is it worse than being young? Nah.

Sz sucks but it helps us develop strength as people like gold being burned in a fire to purify it… i wouldn’t trade it for anything else although it is difficult

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I don’t even know if I am schizoaffective. My psychiatrist says I am though.


It sounds tbh like you have very bad schizophrenia sorry I hope I don’t offend you I’m just trying to help because it sounds like you’re having some pretty bad delusions.

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I have so many of the same symptoms other people who are sza I know beyond the shadow of a doubt that’s a correct diagnosis, but I do have many personalities which morph over time so I may have DID too, they are my voices and one stands out the most, I call him BUDDY LOVE, like in the nutty professor he is superior to me. I’ll ask my pdoc about this Monday when we talk next.

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Sorry to hear about your symptoms each I wonder if I have did sometime too idk haha maybe I should see my doc again

I’ve lost all the weight I gained from my old medication because I switched to a new medication but I was in a similar boat as you. When I was fat I looked different in my face and felt ugly, and my body was an embarrassment. I think things have improved but I still have stretch marks from when I was fat and I hate them.

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