Two days ago I got a nasty letter from my brother-in-law about my new friend, that I would be destitute if I got involved with him, and my brother-in-law wasn’t going to help me.
Today, I got a letter that my sister who has heart problems was admitted to the hospital for a day. He didn’t even text me that she was ill. He also said he wasn’t going to show her my letter about my new friend I wrote them as it would stress her out.
My sister already told me not to call or text her anymore because of my new friend, and to write her a letter if I needed to communicate with her.
At this point in time, I’m going to stop communicating with the both of them. I’m still waiting to see how my friendship is going to work out, and I have a life too. They live 1020 miles away, while my new friend is supposed to be relocating here to live and will be someone to do things with.
No they have never met him. They object to the fact we met over the internet. We only have known each other since February. My sister and her husband think he’s going to scam me in some way.