Not seeing myself as a woman

This is probably an insecurity. It’s hard to see myself as being liked in a context of a woman. I mean how, and why? I thought maybe I’m not a woman? But I don’t feel like a man either.

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Sounds like insecurity and poor self esteem.

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Are you nonbinary?

Maybe your gender is that of liking babies.

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I like feeling like a girl , dressing like a girl but it’s difficult to imagine anyone would think of me “sexually”. Err ewww

Are you feeling bad because you feel bad or because you are trying to view yourself through the lens of society? How do you feel about you? That is what matters.

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As I am part of this society it is natural I’d want to view myself how I should be, how I feel I’m expected to be. But no I’m not viewing myself like that. I just don’t feel desirable.


I’m not sure what context you mean that in.

Sexually as the female sex?

Sexually as the act of sex?

Difficult to imagine from the other’s point of view or yours?

The other one. I don’t feel desirable in a context of a woman sexually.

Ah so you think no one wants to have sex.

Yes. I mean who would want to have sex with me and if they do, I get suspicious they want something from me (not sex)

Couldn’t someone want to have sex with you because they love you?


Hmmm what would they want from you? Would they want to steal from you or leech off your awesomeness or something like that?

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Exactly. That’s what’s hard to believe who’d love me and why?

My family has 3 houses granted the money’s not mine

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Why wouldn’t they? Maybe you are having a difficult time seeing your own value. There are a great many reasons why people develop feelings for each other. I admit that it is impossible to commit to a relationship without taking a leap of faith. And there could be people out there trying to use you. But I really doubt there is no one who would honestly fall in love with you.


I am speaking to someone for over a week who hasn’t even brought the topic up and it makes me feel I’m human and it makes me emotional. I guesss that’s all I ask. But then the last time someone didn’t bring it up , he just wanted to use me financially.

This is interesting to me because I feel the same way. My family isn’t rich by any means but I am quite physically attractive for obvious reasons. Some people get jealous or they just want to pull me down to their level, so I can totally see where you are coming from.

I actually met a lady who was kicked out of her boyfriend’s house but I didn’t understand what she was going through. I never met her guy but she said he was rich so I can sort of see the whole situation now.

With full awareness I’ll say I don’t think I would be happy rich. I like the struggle to survive and a community that challenges me on a basic level.

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So are you happy or unhappy with this person?

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It’s hard when you feel lonely and unappreciated. I know because I am the king of that lol. But maybe take things slow. Let them develop over time and if he does try to use you financially just cut him off. I think we have to be a little open and patient in order to connect with people. We have to give people the chance to hurt us in order to let them in. But definitely be smart about it.


It’s one of the rare times I don’t feel obsessed , it is nice to have a conversation that doesn’t repeatedly involve him wanting to bring up sex (which messes with my head) … I think I want to meet him. But he’s the one who is intelligent and I sound so dopey. Maybe nerves?

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