I feel very bad

i been challenged by ( being alone ) and dont have sexual life while i m 31 y and even more
amd when i watch Porn voices try to make look unmoral and bad person So
so i cant just watch Porn and feel good and that is it !!!
voices try make me look like addicted ppl
they force me to masturabate
they talk to be ( transgendered you should be trans ) you WILL ADMIRE BEING WOMAN
they try to spoil my life and make me feel bad !!!
what should i do !!!


Your meds don’t work as you would like them to, eh?
Have you talked to your psychiatrist about this?


You don’t need to be transgender when you don’t want to. It’s very difficult to find a person you’re compatible with. You shouldn’t worry about it so much. Someday it will seem very unimportant to you.

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The voices are an issue on another level but I’ll just comment on the ‘moral’ issues you are having that you have to be at peace with sexuality. Looking at sexual stuff and masturbating and coming is not really different than eating food and chewing and salivating. You can say it is different but if you analyse they are very close. Sexual stuff just like eating is cultural and what is gross in one culture is delicious in another and from one person to the next. It is absurd to think the way culture views eating or sex is part of a higher moral order so you should do either without much concern for morality.


i m going to the doctor soon
i will tell him
if i m not improved


I am transgendered by the way, and had all the surgeries. But wasn’t a voice who told me to.

About the sex shame, yeah I have that as well, still do. Don’t like it myself, maybe that is why. But also because of religious influences from my past which are notoriously difficult to shake off for me.


do think you when made the change,
you still think like your birth sex,
or do we all think the same?

I sometimes have a problem with
the things that come out of a woman’s mouth.
not all women, don’t wanna be called out. ha.
just stuff I see and hear on Facebook from women.

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Remembered as born a boy, was programmed or nurtured as such. But didn’t like it. Wanted to be near the girls. Hasn’t changed much. But shifted a bit to non-binary, because cannot escape certain programming whether genetic or societal. It’s difficult.


Perhaps watch amateur porn instead! Those people generally do what they like and enjoy.

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If the adult movies messes with your mind it’s best to avoid it. Use your imagination instead. Get in touch with what you want, not what some movie infuences you to think you want.

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I visit porn sites on the internet. I don’t know if that is wrong, but pornography is so seductive. I know one guy who spent $60 on pornographic CD’s and then destroyed them all. He was addicted to porn, and he felt bad about it. I’ve gotten to where I don’t need that much sexual stimulation from the environment. I’ve got my right hand. I don’t know if that is pathological, but it sure makes life simpler.

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