I'm a homosexual man in a woman's body

But I won’t do sex change. I like men just wish I had a ■■■■■.


Freud woulda loved you


I used to feel the opposite way sometimes, like I was a lesbian in a man’s body. But I’ve felt much more masculine over the last couple of years.

Yeah but Freud himself loved women and once told h.d. the poet why don’t you want me? Made her cry.

Sucks to be bi. People can tell your not straight. A few people(girls) can tell your not gay.

Keeping it Herero is my inclination though. Not sure I like the physics in the opposite action. Find men attractive though.

If people weren’t so judgemental I’d be a lot better off.


Well yeah I have a masculine side and can still remain a woman but I think it’s deeper like a man’s soul I have.

I don’t believe in the soul… I don’t really even want to get into it.

It’s a totally different life post sz.

You don’t have to believe in anything it’s not a mind thing it’s your essence.

Have you ever been with a woman before daze?

No I haven’t but I don’t always enjoy sex with men

I’m a woman who identified with a recessive father. Very confusing

Explain . I don’t understand.

Why no give women a try then? I think you’re more likely to find a loving relationship over just a sexual one w/ another woman.

I’m a lesbian, I’ve always identified with boys growing up. But to be fair it was all I had. The only woman I had as a role model was my mother but she worked. I had a few female friends in middle school and high school. I was only attracted to one and two years later we started going out. I use to feel like a heterosexual man in a woman’s body.

Once I was attracted to a woman just once she looked just like me but with blue eyes and blond hair I thought it was a total narcissistic thing that scared me and I never felt that way again.

Have you ever been w/ men before or just women cbbrown?

All I’ve ever done with men is kiss. I just didn’t feel comfortable with them and I never got aroused.

So as long as you remember you were sexually aroused by women? Or thats something that happened in your teenage years?

But is it a sex thing or your essence?

I honestly think I’ve always been gay even before I knew about sex. I remember having crushes on girls but I didn’t understand and never talked about it with anyone. I knew I was gay in high school but everyone who came out as gay for what I saw was ostracized. And I saw straight people accused of being gay pick fights with their accusers.