Not just me

i realized that my inlaws aren’t just inconsiderate of me but my partner too. They keep her up during the day only getting an hour and a half of sleep before she goes to work third shift at a nursing home. Then they send the kids outside and let them run in and out of our apartment. keeping my partner awake. The only time she gets to sleep is in the morning and that’s only for about three hours. i wish i knew what to do to help her. suggestions would be nice. by the way we cant move because she’s getting a garnishment on her wages soon.

Can’t you get a disability check? What is her debt?

i get ssi, but it doesn’t give much and i can’t get ssdi since i wasn’t disabled before the age of 22. She owes a couple thousand to a doctor for her surgery to have cysts removed from her ovaries. The crappy insurance she had didn’t cover it all.

Couldn’t you get subsidized housing. They’re not allowed to charge more than 1/3 of your income for rent and utilities.

i thought with subsidized housing you can’t have pets, we have a lizard. Thanks for the suggestion I will talk it over with my therapist tomorrow.

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I’m going to be a bit harsh. Can you just tell them to leave? Seems like they are not very considerate to their hosts.

we are not allowed to tell the children what to do. they said only them and their parents are allowed to tell them what to do. My partner started locking our door that leads to the outside and they gave her crap for it. “what if one of the kids have to go to the bathroom” I wanted to ask them, “what’s wrong with your bathroom?” but I kept my mouth shut.

I think your in-laws are causing enough trouble so that it would be worth it to give up the lizard. But, actually I know of no such no pets rule. I had a canary when I was in subsidized housing.

I think rules about pets vary depending on who is managing the property.

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