Not Feeling Right

Hi all,

The thought broadcasting came back about two days ago.

Had a really strange interaction with a client at work and long story short, the thought broadcasting kicked into overdrive.

The last time I experienced thought broadcasting this profoundly was a few years ago, so it really got to me.

Needless to say, I fell for it all over again.

It is so disconcerting believing someone can hear your thoughts and that one can communicate telepathically.

In short, my symptoms have increased and I don’t know if I’m headed for a relapse or not.

I just want to wish all of you strength in fighting this illness and peaceful days ahead for you all.



Are you on 15mg abilify yet? Or are you still on 10mg?

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I’ve taken 10mg a few times, but kinda settled on 15mg without the new prescriber knowing.

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What does that mean? Who’s prescibing 15mg for you / how are you getting it?

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So I was prescribed 10mg by a new prescriber but still have about seven 15mg pills left so I’ve continued taking my original dose instead.

Don’t know if I should just chalk up this occurence to a random breakthrough symptom, or if it’s a sign of choppy waters ahead.

It’s literally been years since the thought broadcasting has happened, so I’m not sure what to think about it.


Just try to stay calm,maybe it would resolve on its own.
If you feel bad,you can post it here…
Wish you better days…

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It takes 2 weeks for abilify to reach a steady state in your system. So if you’ve only been on it for 7 days then it won’t be effective yet.

Sounds like you need to give it more time.

The problem is when you go back down to 10mg after running out of 15mg pills you might hit some turbulence.


Im really sorry @Schztuna
Wish someone smarter responded…

What exactly happened that you thought this was thought broadcasting? I’m going through this too currently

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If it’s affecting your daily life I think you should make an appointment ASAP so you can tell her/him and see if you need a med adjustment


I’m sorry @Schztuna
Hang in there and don’t hesitate to get in touch with your prescribing doctor.


Maybe you can go on FML (family medical leave) until you get your head straight. It’s a law. Your job can’t fire you if you temporarily have to leave due to medical issues as long as your claim is legit.


Thanks for the solid advice @everhopeful :+1:

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@anon47167357: Hmmmm… I would rather not say, to be honest. Not trying to be coy or anything, it’s just I get paranoid talking about my paranoia :upside_down_face:. It’s so difficult to tell whether or not it’s real or an auditory hallucination with these masks on right now… I used to watch people’s mouths when they spoke to tell if they were speaking to me. But with these masks, there’s not much I can do at the moment.

Thanks @LilyoftheValley. I speak with the new prescriber on the 11th, so trying to hold out until then.

Thank you @Wave.

Thanks for the tip @Loke. Didn’t know that was a thing… Hoping I won’t have to use it, but good to know that exists.


Thank you @anon22846033 :dizzy:

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I understand your pain thought broadcasting is the worst and very humiliating plus your mind tends to think bad thoughts when your trying not to think bad thoughts maybe try a heavier med than the abilify or just hang in there until it gets better I hope you get better soon!

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Thanks @anon80490300, sorry you’ve experienced thought broadcasting as well. It’s really a terrible phenomenon.

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Sounds like a relapse to me

So you are doctor?
This is a support forum,and @Schztuna is not feeling well.

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If @Schztuna is feeling supported and not attacked, then that’s great.

Hang in there friend. If you begin to feel you can’t handle it on your own, don’t be afraid to talk to your med team right away.

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