Not Feeling Right

I’m sorry your feeling this way… I hope you feel better soon

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Thanks @anon78876561 and thanks @Abise

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Hope you can feel better soon!!

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Thanks @Mountainman :dizzy:

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I remember having thought broadcasting, it’s not a good feeling. Maybe give Abilify more time.

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Thanks @Green, sorry you’ve been through thought broadcasting as well. Not a nice feeling at all.

Hi tuna, hope you’re okay, awful one to have, keep an eye on yourself and how you’re coping; if you feel yourself worsening catch it early

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i hope you feel better soon… you should talk to your doc about the 15mg dose though so you can keep taking it… going back to 10mg when you are feeling bad doesn’t sound good.

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Thank you @spiderpig and thanks @lekkerhondje

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Thought broadcasting is my main symptom. Sorry you have to go through this. If I got the broadcasting symptoms it would be a sign of a relapse, for me at least. Maybe it is just a matter of med adjustment though.

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