Six years ago I had an accident and I have amnesia and damage to my nervous system because I overdosed.
Everyday I wake up and remember nothing.
I think it would be a good thing- especially in my case, where everyday was an opportunity to start fresh.
I too Od a while back and worried the doc’s that I’d dammaged my CNS beyond anything good, but unfortunately, I can still recall all their words.
Its so hard to be this way.
wow. I saw this in “50 first dates”. You obviously remember basic info. You remember that you are MI and can’t remember. What exactly do you forget? Is it everything from before your overdose? I am just curious what you don’t remember
If you can’t remember, then reinvent.
I forget I have a son, i forget who my family is, my boyfriends, my enemies. I can not work anymore, pretty much everything everyday. Sometimes I can not dress myself, take a shower, i can not cook, i basically watch tv, use the computer sit in bed and smoke cigarettes…i can.clean.
I like music too. I forgot to say that. PROOF.