So I had my first sz episode in late June. The overwhelming emotion during the episode was one of rebirth and reconstitution. Ever sice my episode I’ve been having gross memory loss. The prodromal year leading up to the episode is completely gone to oblivion. When I attempt to retrieve long term memories I feel extremely drawn out and strained.
My question is, did you have memory loss after your first episode and if so how long did it take you to get your memory back?
I did. Some things are still a blur to me. I try not to think about it much because I also have fake memories, but somethings are coming back, sometimes a little help is needed.
i find it very hard to remember anything about my childhood but idk if it is just me or the sz or the meds but my memory is very bad, even current things that i am trying to learn somehow slip through the net into nowhere and i forget lots of things
I have a year and half missing. I don’t remember more than fragments. Comparing memories with my husband shows they are not the same. I have delusional memories not what happened IRL.
Back in 1998 when I started hearing voices I also noticed that I was losing my memory which made me to write my thoughts and events in paper notebooks so that I could always go back to these notes. There have been total blackout periods and I have no recollection of any events during these blackouts. For example, I had written down in my paper notebooks some telephone numbers to one mental health service of one Georgia county, but I never remember doing anything like that. Memory loss is a bad thing.
My life since I started going downhill has been a blur pretty much. Can’t always get the dates right and sometimes I don’t even have a reason anymore for why some things happened.
I was intensely emotional. I look back on some of the things I’ve done while I was in an episode, and I can’t believe I did that. It’s almost like somebody else did it. I do remember everything, though there are times when I wish I didn’t.