Nicotine and sleep apnea

Dr thinks I have sleep apnea and referred me to do a test. I read that nicotine worsens sleep apnea as it irritates airways and cause inflammation. I need to give up vaping now :frowning:


My friend got diagnosed with sleep apnea and is on a breathing machine at night and now been told he can’t drive after spending thousands on just learning to drive. He’s smokes alot and is also overweight I think about 320ibs.


Yea she said I have to use a machine at night while sleeping, I think its called CPAP.

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They are annoying at first but my friend got used to it. He’s much better during the day and doesn’t feel as lethargic.

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I read that you just use it for some time then you don’t need it anymore. So I don’t have to use it all my life.

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@Ninjastar Are you diagnosed with sleep apnea? I think I read that.

I read that too. Especially if you make positive lifestyle choices like quitting smoking and losing weight, and more walking.

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My apnea was caused by being very overweight. I was able to park the CPAP machine after the weight loss as I could breathe normally again.

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I do indeed. The C-pap machine is a real lifesaver in terms of how much energy I have during the day. Like @shutterbug though, im hoping the sleep apnea goes away once I cut the extra 15 lbs off my chest.


Not to pile on the bad news but quitting smoking (nicotine) affected my ability to sleep for a couple months. I did sleep but I would have trouble falling to sleep because I was craving nicotine. But it eventually passed.

I have know a guy who is way overweight (morbidly obese) and has sleep apnea. He is on a c-pap machine at night and had to quit his job because he was so tired he couldn’t work.

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