Nice to meet you

Hello, Its good to find this forum. Oops long post
I have been diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder, bipolar 1 with psychosis, generalized anxiety disorder (bad). Neuropsych test says deficits in verbal learning, processing and attention. I am a totally different person now. After I got sick I left work, volunteering, a lot of social life and lost all my passion.

I have been told I have a vivid imagination, I see illusions a lot, sometimes hallucinations. I feel evil presence at night.That never seems to end. A lot of sz type things but I don’t have sz. I go through bad periods full of fear about being followed, recorded, and surveiled, bugged, etc, but even when not sick a constant recognition that it’s likely happening… but often also recognizing it’s paranoia at the same time when I’m well. (I know it doesn’t make sense). I’m on meds but I think they are making me so tired, unfeeling, and so unmotivated that I can’t shower or live a normal functional routine. It’s the worst part. I think it’s causing some ‘negative symptoms’ but problem is it’s been the best antipsychotic I’ve been on, no other side effects, and I’m pretty sure all antipsycgotic I tried have all taken away my motivation anyhow. Vyvanse has helped a little, according to others they see it too. Maybe I have ADHD and they won’t tell me.

My psych nurse said in recent two sessions that I has SZA and I should talk to my PDOC if I want to know more about that (they work together closely). But then next session she said that although she had told me that I have Sza, not to focus on it. (I doubted it any way because I have huge insight, I feel everything that’s going wrong). I said to her that I thought that I had the other diagnoses from before (BP1 etc), and she said ‘yeah that’s probably right and sounds familiar’.

It’s like they are hiding something. I suspect they are hiding that I have Alzheimer’s or dementia, it’s in my family. She says no they aren’t hiding anything so he is ordering a CT scan to show me apparently.

I have good problem solving and other things from my old career in management, social work.

*Anyone have schizotypal and BP1 and have brain deficits, have it change who they are, bad motivation?and have some things in common with me? I feel very alone.

I hope I can be here with these diagnoses?? I do have things in common, this negative type symptoms but likely from the drugs. I need to hear from others going through this.

I wish there was something to relieve me. When does this end? I’m just grateful for a supportive family.


I just want to say welcome to the forum :sunny:


Welcome to the forum. There’s lots of similarities between what you’re going through and things I’ve read on this forum. Have a look around. I’m sure you’ll fit right in.


Welcome! It’s nice to hear from you. This forum is welcoming and full of insight to help you.


Welcome to the forum @Artsygal!


Welcome to the forum. If you need anything tag a mod by typing the @ then their name. Like this @dearzombie @anon9798425 @Ninjastar @rhubot @moonbeam


Welcome to the forum!!! You’ll find there’s a lot of kind people here. What has changed in my life is I used to go out all the time but don’t like to anymore. I’ve been diagnosed paranoid sz as well as sza. I’m not sure which is current


Welcome to the forum. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder bipolar type and I suffer with no motivation plus other negative symptoms. I never have any energy so I just sit in my recliner all day and get fat. I don’t know how to overcome negative symptoms.


Hi there. Glad you found us and of course you are welcome. I think you will find this forum to house a diverse group of people from all walks of life with various aspirations and challenges. Good to see you. Welcome.


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Welcome @Artsygal, enjoy your stay.



Welcome to the forum!

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hullo there 191919

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Thank you everyone for the kind words and warm welcome. I appreciate it, so much.

Hi and welcome. One thing I might recommend is to start researching in to what you think is wrong with you and looking at natural supplements that can help fix things, like magnesium for example. is a great resource for looking up trials with supplements and seeing what works or what they have found regarding your diagnosis. I am currently taking both meds and vitamins, and the vitamins are actually helping more. There’s also some great info about natural solutions on this forum.

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