Anybody try for this in the past?
What is the beginning measure?
Anybody try for this in the past?
What is the beginning measure?
Abram Hoffer 's work has been discredited and couldn’t be repeated by anyone else.
If niacin worked, we’d all be on it instead of APs.
Personally I tried it, large doses of it, and went off meds.
I ended up in the hospital psychotic.
Move along would be my advice.
L Ron Hubbard claimed niacin could cure things too like cancer. megadoses of niacin cause liver damage.
Hi, unfortunately this forum does not encourage free expression or alternative opinions. You are not allowed to talk about “alternative” treatments. Having said that, I heard one scientist say that niacin only works for certain biological subtypes of schizophrenia - the rationale for the efficacy is that niacin may act as a dopamine reuptake promotor (reduces dopamine).
Alternative opinions (with evidence for those opinions) is completely fine. Just share your (scientific) evidence. THere are a lot of snakeoil salesman selling things to “cure” schizophrenia - and none of us has the time and money to try them all. We have to sort through the claims and science is the only way we can do that with any reliability.
I own that book… Niacin is an essential water soluable vitamin needed in our diet. Some of it’s functions are to lower cholesterol, elevate HDL lipoprotein (good cholesterol), reduce heart disease, and strengthen blood vessel vascular strength. Niacinamide a form of niacin (NADH) is used in over 450 biochemical reactions in our body. NAD is used in glycolysis (sugar breakdown) and ATP (energy production). A deficiency of niacin (vit B3) leads to mental like symptoms of sz also known as pellagra. And supplementing b3 corrects this. So you can see the number of sz patients treated with niacin were rediagnosed as having pellagra and the hypothesis was nulled. But Niacin is still very important for your body. and its a water soluable vitamin so you piss out what your body doesn’t absorb. As far as sz is concerned, the debate on its efficacy is still out there but my md who is also a natropath percribed it for me. 3000mg/dy. But he did not prescribe it alone, it was prescribed to be used in combination with b complex, vit c, omega 3, and magnesium. As part of an orthomolecular treatment program. He has been weening me off of my antipsychotic medications and over the past nine months I have been symptom free and responding well. However I alone do not constitute a legitimate argument on the efficacy of the vitamin in its use to manage sz. So there is no to say it would work for you. I am not a doctor. But its ggod for your body,and I haven’t been experiencing sz, it seems to help so I continue to take it. When I evaluate risk to reward I realize its good for me. You should ask your doctor if mayby itll be good for you…
Is niacin vitamin B?
Naturopathy has a Darkside to it as well. It’s also a for profit business. So that’s why there’s so many different things they try to sell you on.
I did the niacin thing for 4 years. If anything it was more of a clinging on to something to believe in that would help me improve. I was extremely optimistic. It did sedate/calm me fairly well though.
I still had symptoms throughout. But after about 5 years my positive symptoms seemed to settle down more and more.
I had to actually stop taking the niacin because my stomach could no longer tolerate it. Probably because it was damaging my stomach lining from taking a high dose long term.
My positive symptoms are pretty minimal. But I’m left with some strong negative symptoms which I’m working through CBT and ACT to deal with and taking sarcosine.
But yes if it works it works if it doesnt it doesn’t. There’s isn’t really a wrong way if it’s helping you. That’s what matters is finding a way to become functional
If trying to avoid big pharma" trying to do so by going a vitamin route. They should know a lot of pharmaceutical companies play there too. So it really doesn’t matter
niacin is one of the twelve different b vitamins
Yes. I’ve used it a fair bit in the past. No effect. The only supplement that I’ve found to work so far is Sarcosine, and only for negative symptoms and cognition. I use it in conjunction with an AP as prescribed by my doctor.