July 21, 2018, 9:07pm
It says 50% of people recover from sz.
I can believe it, but I think it depends on the definition of recovery… I think many people do well on meds but might not reach full pre-illness functionality.
July 21, 2018, 9:11pm
I’m in my phone. You could probably find it on google.
How should i go about finding it? What am i even supposed to google?
There’s already a thread on this. Please post on that thread so we don’t have duplicate thread topics.
Until recently, medical professionals believed that only a minority of patients could recover from schizophrenia. But now, new Norwegian research suggests that more than half of the study participants are doing well.
After four years of treatment, 55 per cent of the young people were partially or fully recovered, and fully ten per cent of those who are fully recovered no longer use medication.
“Having such a high proportion be well-functioning shows that schizophrenic patients have a greater potential to get well than previous research has shown,” says Professor Anne-Kari Torgalsbøen at the University of Oslo’s Department of Psychology.
Judging based on less than 30 people! Tut tut!