Hey all I had a hard time with this song it was just very hard for me to sing it but I think I got it down.
Hope you enjoy!
Hey all I had a hard time with this song it was just very hard for me to sing it but I think I got it down.
Hope you enjoy!
You should use pitch correction on the vocals. I use auto tune on mine. Nice track though.
Really like it man … Really good work!!!
No ■■■■■■■■ I would listen to this man
Correction… I kinda want this song man …frfr
Lyrics and guitar are on point man.
Thanks @anon49368487 unfortunately I dont have melodyne and autotune sounds terrible on my voice lol. I may get it in the future though
Ayy thanks @signless ! Really glad you liked it
Could play around with reverb… I can’t sing but I did try using reverb and it sounds decent man. Your voice is more piercing than mine is but maybe could color it with some reverb? It sound decent too me tho
Thats a good idea actually, I put a touch of reverb on it but I kept my voice pretty dry as it sounded better to me. I think Ill add more and play around with it. Thanks again man Im happy you like it!
You been making any songs lately?
Yea…I just finished one and I’m starting a new one that’s way more jazzy compared to my usual songs.
Listening to your song made me want to try vocals again. It adds Soo much to a song
Sweet! Ill keep a lookout for it
Do it definitely its a lot of fun! I used to be so bad at singing but with practice I think Ive become decent
Luv it Zee, idk what you could do to improve it, its great.
I am man . Don’t make smfun of me because I sing like a Softy tho
@daydreamer Thanks man!
@signless haha no worries Im sure your voice is great!
On second thought I like this song a lot more now listening back. I think I did a decent job singing it
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