Has my singing improved?

Im working on a song again, just vocals and guitar. But idk about my singing, I tried my best. Is it any good?

@POET @Cragger any thoughts?

Thanks guys


Sounds good to me @zwolfgang.


Thanks @eighteyedspy23 ! Took a long time to get right, I didnt use any vocal tuning at all this time

My powers are increasinggggg



Sorry man, Iā€™m getting that same old song and dance about no connection. Is it the privacy settings?

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I really, really love your voice @zwolfgang . It is pleasantly low and slightly gravelly. So unlike all these modern alternative rock whiney sounding male voices you hear everywhere. I get so sick of them.


Wow thanks @SkinnyMe! It feels good to get praise on my voice haha I remember first time I posted and people were like ā€œā€¦Youll get thereā€ lol

I feel good about this now thanks again!


@Cragger sorry man my bad! Try this one

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Love your voice on this one, man. I like the style. If I had one anal nut bag suggestion, the word ā€œextinguishedā€ flutters between flat and in tune. I doubt anyone would notice, Iā€™m just in edit mode myself from working in the studio lately.

Great lyrics man, Iā€™m impressed


Thanks man! Yeah I noticed that too, no worries haha

I wanted to go minimal on this one, no editing just to see if I could do it. There was also one other word right before ā€˜fireā€™ where I go out of tune for a split second lol. I could easily fix it with Newtone or Melodyne but I think it sounds good as is and maybe adds some charm

Really glad you like the lyrics too man! Was one of those late night stream of consciousness writing seshes so you know its either gonna be real good or awful lol


Very good, dude.


Thanks Om! :slight_smile: 151515

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i like it tooā€¦ good job @zwolfgang

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I thought your singing was always pretty good but yeah itā€™s def improved crazy


You pulled it off nicely. It definitely has that haunting minimalist feeling about it. Itā€™s great to be able to soak in the lyrics

I do the same as you. I often leave in little flaws, because it makes it sound more human


Thanks @lekkerhondje !!

I appreciate it @Jonnybegood haha yeah man I think my voice and timbre has always had potential but now that I can hold a pitch (mostly) I think its starting to really get there. Glad you think so too!

@Cragger yeah, I wanted the lyrics and the emotion to really come through on this one. Your production value is crazy btw, do you use Pro Tools for mixing? If so what vsts have you found helpful for bringing out the best in vocals?

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Hey, it works man.

Hey thanks, Iā€™ve spent a lot of time working on my mixing the last couple of years. Yes, I use Pro Tools for recording and mixing. Thinking about switching to Reaper

For vocals I just use compression, EQ and Reverb. Sometimes just a touch of delay to soften the edges


Switching to reaper you say? How come? I tried it once and it didnt grab me. Felt kinda like a pro tools clone

Same here on the vocal chain. Often I saturate the vocals some to give it a little more character or a ā€˜lofiā€™ feel. Only works on certain vibes tho

Thanks again for listening man! :slight_smile:

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Oh is that right, so what did you not like about Reaper? The reason Iā€™m thinking about switching, is that I have a new iMac with a clean slate. Pro Tools, like a lot of the other ones, are now on a subscription basis. You pay them $1,000 a year to keep your software updated, rather than just buying a version and thatā€™s it. I canā€™t afford that s***

Whatever youā€™re doing with the vocals, it works

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Oh wowww. I have Pro tools and yeah Avid are a bunch of money grubbing a$$holes. I bought a version though, I dont get updates but I have Pro Tools 2019 forever, no more paying. Dont think they do that anymore tho. You must have the HD or Ultimate version because damn I only paid like $600 for a perpetual license

As for reaper I didnt really try it, but I watched @daydreamer try and use it and it worked a lot like pro tools, which might be a plus, but I found it was lacking some recording features like punch-in recording and stuff and the piano roll, which isnt even good in PT, was somehow worse in reaper imo lol

Thats just personal preference though. Its only $60 so its an absolute steal compare to pro tools even with the reduced feature set. In the end Im sure you can make just as good music with it, just have to get around a couple small limitations Id say :slight_smile:

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S***, thanks for the heads up. The punch in/ punch out on Pro Tools is one of its strongest features. Got to have it Another one Iā€™m looking at is Studio One by PreSonus. Thatā€™s what my buddy uses, and heā€™s very happy with it

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