Hey guys anyone here into photography? I snapped this pic the other day on my phone and the thought crossed my mind that it’s kind of a cool hobby. Any insights? Please post some cool pictures you’ve taken here if you have em
!I bought an SLR at the beginning of the year. I thought it would get me out of the house and get me snapping. But it didn’t
Now it’s just gathering cobwebs and I’m slowly forgetting how to use it.
I used to be really into photography as a teenager though.
That’s really cool, I actually took a photography class in highschool and I always thought it was pretty cool. Never really was into it enough to get a camera but I’ve always appreciated visual art. Do you have a favourite artist?
My dad and my sister both do photography as a hobby.
My dad has had his pictures features in calendars and such.
I took photography classes, but the teacher kept complaining that I edited my photographies in a way that made them look like illustrations.
I don’t really have a favourite photographer but I have a favourite photograph. It’s called “Bibi in eden roc cafe”. It’s a colour photograph from the 1920s. It’s by Jacques Henri Lartigue.
Lol to each his own! you should make the art that expresses who YOU are
Wow that’s a really interesting photograph
Have you ever considered architecture photography?
Me? No. My big problem is lack of motivation. Taking photos seems pointless. No muse lol.
Well what do you like to do? Like other than photography what are your interests?
Avolition has me pretty much confined to watching tv,listening to music and the internet. But you’ve got me thinking about photography again. So who knows…
True true but those are things you DO really, but what do you actually like to think about? Like when you do watch tv what do you watch for example? The history Chanel? Sports? Food network? Surely there’s something you’ve been interested in throughout you’re life! Every picture needs a subject
A photographer fiend of mine enjoys the landscapes in Greenland so that’s pretty much all he shoots because he loves it. What’s your specialty?
I appeciate the motivation. I’ll have to have a think about it…
True! Good luck
I’m interested in learning photography. Is one of my dreams but I don’t know…
I think that photography needs a broaden mind and now my mind feels like in a cage without creativity.
I liked your photo!!Keep trying!!
some beautiful photos here.
Wow. Really good @Pikasaur !