New dog no more

So we got a new dog exactly one week ago. Well, she attacked one of our cats… The cat is physically ok but mentally traumatized. Because of this, we just listed the dog up for adoption. I’m really sad. I’d hoped they would get along or least live peacefully amongst each other. I hope Willow goes to a good home/family without cats.


I’m sorry your doggy didn’t work out. Hopefully Willow will go to a good catless home. Hope your kitty will be okay. You’ve put some time into that pupper but you tried. She really is a pretty dog.


Thanks, Skunk. :slightly_smiling_face: Yeah, we tried really hard. Maybe we can try a dog again in the future. Just has to be good with cats.

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Dogs take a major consideration!

When they get a home, it should be a forever home~

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Yeah, it should be a forever home but sometimes things don’t work out. It’s not awful to rehome, it just happens sometimes.

I’m glad your cat is okay.


That’s true Daze. Pets are a commitment not a convenience. But sometimes it just doesn’t work out. Ocelot is doing what’s best for the dog and the rest of her pets.

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The border collie is a puppy.
He could have been trained to get a long with your cats.

It’s a matter of gradual socialization.

But then again border collies have a high prey drive and will instinctively chase cats.

I’m sorry it didn’t work out. :frowning:

Its a shame that we aren’t three months in the future, because we will be looking for another fur baby then. Our dog has skin cancer and the specialist we took him to said that he will have a good quality of life for a month to three months, but he wont make it long after that. We are going to spoil him until it is time. We go kinda bananas for our pets, and we’ve collectively spent north of $5,000 on his vet bills. Its the price of having the goodest of boys though. His quality of life is still great, so we wont have him put to sleep. We’ll go by the vet’s recommendations.

I hope Miss Willow finds a loving home.


For all those wanting a dog. Please think carefully before you get one. They are a big responsibility.

If you want to try again, go with a rescue that does foster homes for dogs. The fosters will be able to tell you if the dog gets along with other dogs, cats and children or if they are not.


How did you find that out?

Is it like humans?
Deoge has sores on her body
They’re small and clustered.

Hi Daze. We had to jump through a lot of hoops to find out. We’ve been going to the vet for a long time because he’s been refusing to eat a lot, has had sores on his body, and had a nasty infection. Regardless of what we did through husbandry and any medicine we gave him he never got better. Our vet finally told us to go to a specialist and he ran even more tests which showed he had a nasty antibiotic resistant infection. So we put him on the right meds and he starts doing good, but the sores on his nose and tongue looked different from the ones on his feet so they did a biopsy and it tested positive for skin cancer.

I wouldn’t worry too much just yet about Deoge, they could be some kind of allergy or a million other reasons. If it gets too bad I would take him to the vet and ask them to run some tests, perhaps specifically mention doing a biopsy.

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Thank you. Much love to yours. Deoge will be 14 this September.
If I have to do what you’re doing
I’d have to avoid car trips
She shakes and whines the whole time.

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