Never leave the house

I’m 150 when I first started on medicine I was 120 lbs.

terrible isn;t it…i hate being fat soooo much…i’m on ablify, gabapentin and amitriptyline all of which make you ravenous…its a bloody nightmare…but for now and for the forseeable future i shall be munching on carrot sticks and hummus…can;t bloody wait to get back down to 130 pounds…i#ll see what i feel like once i get there. i don’t want to be skinny again…just a healthy weight is cool with me coz right now i#m anything but a healthy weight. i look like a bloody oompaloompah…it’s awful :frowning: time to bin the chocolate and ice cream and cheeses et cetera and just stick to healthy meals…tonight is my last big blow out. i#m cooking a roast as i type…loads of veg but lots of roast spuds and parsnips too. my next roast will be full of steamed veg instead of roast…i just can;t cope with being fat anymore…onwards and upwards!!! or rather downwards lol

Rely on a disability pension of $26,000 australian dollars a year.

Damn, that’s a lot of money. I only get < $900 a month. 700 of which goes towards rent. So I’m left with < $200 per month to live on. I spend my income on cigarettes and energy drinks. You have it good my friend.

The worst part is most of it went to my stomach, I’m on zyprexa and gabapentin as well as hydroxyzine. I eat a lot of salads but my weight won’t budge.

Do you have a case worker? Probably something to focus on is just getting out each day for a walk… I know it helps me deal with it. Therapy helps also.

All that you have to do is look at it practically, when I was younger I never hung out at bars or chased whores because once I really looked at the ‘normal’ ‘fun’ life that everyone else was living is when I realized that that life isn’t for me anyways because bars are loud and obnoxious so most people that hang out at such places are usually the same.

What I can get from a bar I can get from a liquor store,and in today’s world females are pretty much prostitutes because it’s understood and accepted that they will spend decades of their lives having fun so after they’ve gotten you off its customary to take them out and spend money on them which is prostitution.

Id rather spend my money on myself.

And as a bonus in my book is if its true that all those people will go to hell for contributing to the degeneration of the species by how they live then you’ll eventually go to heaven for not contributing like them.

For me this is a big positive about sz.

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then like me, you need to exercise more…i find that difficult as i fractured my coccyx in february…it;s since then that the weight has piled on with the painkillers prescribed for it and my fibromyalgia… but i figure i have to get it off one way or another. if you eat the right foods the weight will come off naturally…it might be slow but thats the best way to get it off. i’ve lost it before so i know i can do it…i just need to think about what i’m shovelling into my mouth. the drugs make it difficult because you don’t feel full until you’ve consumed a mammoth portion and in order to lose this weight i have to be honest with myself. i may well eat salads but i also eat junk and if it’s not junk then i make way too much food for one person and i eat it because i#ve made it. that’s what the drugs do but i have to be honest with myself and say that only i am in control of what goes into my mouth…if i choose to eat a massive chocolate bar and have four lattes then i only have myself to blame when i put on weight. the truth is if you don’t eat, you lose weight…i never saw a fat p.o.w., have you? exactly…those poor people got starvation rations and not one of them was fat so we can blame our genes, our bone size (pulease!!) the drugs, whatever but the bottom line is, you don’t get fat unless you eat too much …i wish you well on your diet :slight_smile:

Funny thing is I always used to be underweight I would force myself to eat because I looked anorexic, But since the medicine I gain so easily. I do know I’m not as active as I used to be but with copd and superventicular tachacardias it’s difficult.

yeah i know, health problems do make it difficult, especially your sort but we can do it if we eat right.
i used to be anorexic too and when i first started on the drugs it was a godsend but the weight just kept on coming on and it soon turned to a nightmare…if i#d have known about the depot injections when i first got sick i would’ve just had those but nope, nobody told me about those…i was put on zyprexa then seroquel…and the weight just piled on because i couldn’t stop eating. i just didn’t have the discipline to control my appetite at all…ate all the wrong things and here we are today at nearly 13 stone…not good.

I just ate dinner

I just ate dinner: Spring salad mix with hard boiled egg and sunflower seeds, Good thing I love salads. Yummy


me too. roast chicken, saute spuds, roast parsnips, peas, greens, cauli-cheese and gravy…i am stuffed to the rafters!! that;s my last humungous meal for the forseeable future…eggs or porridge for breakfast tomorrow i think although i#m so full that it’s making feel slightly nauseated just thinking about food…

Excercise is necessary when you never leave the house im trying to lift after 6 months off because of injury and it might be working,I usually have to wait a day maybe two for the results.

What meds you take. I’m on Haldol and hate exercising now.

No synthetic meds and thats one of the reasons why, hey you know that bodybuilder dude has been taking meds and working out for some time I guess, he probably has great advice.

I forgot but its some kind of mouse name.

Yea I know the mouse. I mean what Antipyschotics you on?

I’ve spent most of the last three years since dropping out of university barely leaving the house to go to one class a semester and going to psychologist and psychiatrist appointments. I only got a driver’s license less than a year ago and I’m now 25 years old. I’ve spent a lot of time just doing nothing around the house. I try to plug into music all of the time to drown out my own thoughts. I spend a lot of time on forums. Honestly if I got paid as much as you did and had a house lined up I probably wouldn’t bother trying to get a job, but as it is now I get medicaid and less than 700 a month. I in one of the most expensive places in the country, so I can’t live on that much. The only thing really motivating me is fear of becoming homeless. I have a brother and sister, and my aunt said she would take me in if something happened to my parents, and my brother says that I’m not going to end up homeless, but I worry about it all of the time. It’s hard in it’s own way just being couped up in a house doing nothing. I did that the first year after dropping out of university, and it felt more like a nightmare, even with my family being there, but maybe that was in part because I was adjusting to realizing I had schizophrenia and dropping out of college.

Oh I don’t take synthetic meds, its real taboo to say on this forum but I take marijuana.

I guess that im one of the few sz that benefits from it, i recently was able to acquire my medicine and its been the best 2 months for about a year or so.

The past 2 months medicated have been great without it I constantly feel like hurting someone although I never have as im a big believer in self control.

When people think of mj they usually think of Cheech and Chong but med users use only whats necessary.

I take it at exact regular intervals just like you guys/gals take your meds so my meds cost $2.50 every day .

Do you have audio hallucinations?

Yep had em for years when im not medicated its like my brain is a receiver picking up random conversation about me constantly then when I start getting very annoyed by that the voices make suggestions on relieving the annoyance that usually have to do with violence.

But weed stops them!?