Netflix is paying people to binge watch their shows

Seems like a great job. It may get old though. I think it would be hard to watch stuff I’m not interested in, I’m not sure how a paycheck would change that.


Yeah, once that sorta thing becomes an everyday every hour work thing, it’d lose its novelty.


Like practically every other job in the world… :slight_smile:


Yeah, I think balance and variety is the key to making that sort of job more palatable. A variety of activities tied to it, like you watch some of it, maybe write a report or review, maybe engage in discussions, then repeat the process in rough order. That might make the job more fun.

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Don’t you have to write reviews then?

If it is a job you could put the tv on and stream constantly, and then go to another room and read and get paid for it! :rofl:

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That is a real life job that requires analytical abilities. You can get training for it. In fact I took a couple classes in high school about it so technically I could do this. But how much does it pay?

Of course it’s an objective look at a piece of art that has a subjective end goal. But still.


I have a friend who would be great at this. He has a degree in journalism and took a bunch of classes on film. I’ve talked to him about being a movie critic, but he didn’t want to watch chick flicks.

I’m not sure how much it pays @anon1571434.

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The idea is that you have to actually love film work. I mean more than just “I like to go see the avengers and talk about movies with my friends”. Like you have to actually have a passion for this for it to not be meaningless.


I like my movies, but not particularly keen on netflix. I watch a couple of weeks and find I have seen all i want to see and don’t bother with it for the rest of that month. I leave it for awhile, get a free month and do that again. Amazon at least engages me for a whole month when I can be bothered to veg and binge. It’s been awhile since I have had either.

I wouldn’t want this job anyway. :slight_smile:


I could do this job


I think you would be great at it @Noise. You should apply.


Link isn’t a working. What’s the job title?

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I think I might!! Thank you @TheBest

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I love movies… but my tastes are specific… i can tear a movie apart but… if i had to watch a serious cop drama for like 18 seasons back to back… i would quit…


I Only see the offer for someone who knows Japanese.


I believe The job posting says Los Angeles. Is there a remote option for working there? Otherwise the opportunity is only available for LA locals


The link doesn’t work for me.

When I was younger I went and watched some shows and offered my opinion. Kind of like a survey. If I recall correctly I think they paid me like $30 for it. Only did it the one time. I forget how I happened upon that gig. It was many years ago.

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I saw this story on the news, so there’s probably a lot of interest in it. The link was working yesterday. Sorry about that.

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