I was coming back from the convenience store and she was out by the trucks.she put her hair up and walked to the stairs and stopped for a minute like she was going to say something to me then when I went in she went to her apt.
You guys I really don’t have time for this ■■■■■■■■. I am sick mentally.
If it helps, remember this. Not everyone is schizophrenic but everyone is freaking nuts. People do things that don’t make sense all the time. It is just our luck or sz makes us examine their actions for meaning too much.
Don’t let this stuff get to you. If there’s nothing else to the story, then I see this as normal. Two people see each other, acknowledge each others presence but don’t know the other person, so they don’t talk. Then they go their own ways. It doesn’t matter what they were thinking, good, bad or neither.
I am glad someone is going to talk with you. I wish you some relief.
All i can add is my own experience with people. I get very suspicious of folk on the street and can’t count the number of times I have conducted ‘counter surveillance’ against people. A universal truth I found is sometimes (often in fact) people on the street do weird things