Negatives symptoms. What IS working for you?

I am on NAC but I am not sure if really works. I Would like ti read your experiences

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Be careful with NAC. It does help with negative symptoms but it interacts with Abilify (and possibly rexulti and vraylar) to make them less effective.

NAC can take months to work also.


Some other supplements with research behind them for negative symptoms are

L-methylfolate (works for a subset of schizophrenia sufferers)



Thank you. Are you taking It?

I take it occasionally. It acts like a jolt of coffee for me.

I’ve ordered it but haven’t tried it yet.

Make sure that cdp-choline is legal and available in Spain. If it’s prescription only you could get into trouble for importing it.

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It IS. Thank you.

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Forcing myself to get off my ass and be productive.


Negatives are strong, but you can beat them.

I suggest rewarding yourself when you are productive.


To say things like that is better keep quiet… you cannot have any pleassure when you have negatives… so I dont understand you.

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That’s not necessarily true. That sounds like Anhedonia, not negatives in general. And Anhedonia can improve. I know, I’ve been there.

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Anhedonia is a negatives symptom. I think is The central negative symptom.

It is one of many negative symptoms, yes

I have negatives and don’t let them drag me down.

I work hard to keep them under control and keep my life worth living.

You could too.

But saying things like I need to keep quiet and that you can do nothing with negatives is only hurting you.

Negatives thrive on excuses.

Do you think that " move your ass" IS a respectful answer? Because I dont.

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She didnt tell YOU to move your ass. She said she forced herself to get off HER ass. No, I don’t think it was being disrespectful.

I dont believe you. Really. I am not going to say that I think about you and people like you because It Would be a insult.

Oy vey.

You’re going to be a fun new member.


If you want to let negatives control your life, that’s on you.

But complaining about it without taking any action isn’t going to help.

Sorry you don’t like my advice but I stand by it.

My ability to be more productive is helped by Cariprazine.

The other meds I was on made me much worse off

But the trade off is that I am not sleeping well, but not everyone does apparently, so now I am one of those people

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is that the best ap you’ve tried for negative symptoms? I want to give it a shot

To be fair hard to say. I have always ignored them as I was working.

But this year has been a total bust, and I let them take control

This one at least does not make me lethargic and tired all the time

With a bit of resolve it seems to be better I’d say. Especially considering how messy it has been this year

Worth a shot I’d say. If you have bad negs it might be a game changer

Med changes are still a pain in the ass tho as I am sure you know!

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