Negative mania =(

Just having a rough day again. Wish I could feel comfy and happy.

I do not know what happy is anymore. The negative resentment is too much to handle on some days. Need 24h distraction with people. The minute I am alone, I sink in and hate myself, this world and those around me and whatever this horrible existence is. .

What are some positive distractions I could have/ make use of? I need to buy a bucket of joy :unamused:

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:heart: it’s okay. Just think of all the bad things on your mind then think of happy things to put you in a good mood :v:take care

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I’m sorry you’re having a rough day @MissMermaid. I hope you feel better tomorrow.

Here you go


aw yeah :o) Kittens are awesome. :o)

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Thank you @anon1571434 :o) Hope you are having a nice day, it is too hot here and I do not have AC.

Yeah, dysphoria can be a real frig of a thing to pull out of. Take care!

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yeah absolutely. I have been struggling since my first psychosis - for 3 years now. I am stuck in a loop.


It’s been warm here but I’ve been able to keep the windows open lol

Hmm yeah I think that area is always hot with little water because of global warming. And it gets hotter every year and even less water lol

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yeah I have the windows open too but it is buildings all around.

It is too humid by the sea.

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