I started a project to list out suggestions of needs for persons living with SZ in my country. What would you add to the list. This list will be used to lobby for changes to better the lives of persons living with SZ in my country.
Hot, loose chicks.
More days off from work.
Day programs.
Work support groups.
More ways to have fun. It may sound stupid but I had a therapist who said one of the biggest problems with his clients is they don’t do fun things and he encouraged all his clients to have fun occasionally.
I would say one on one therapy. Having a good therapist really helps me. I don’t know if that’s somewhere included in your list somewhere. I talk to somebody weekly. It is a $25 co-pay for me because I’m not in person. But I’d rather do it through video then go in person.
Eat drink go to toilet have sex sleep have shelter
In a best possible way
Anyone else with suggestions?
To play street fighter 6 is need of mine
Good list dude! You should run for office. Id vote for you man
Moved to DX’d - Sz/SzA where it is on topic.