Need to talk to someone stable

Please pm me. Ithink I am hearing things about this place I’m at. I go to see mom tomorrow

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Has anyone pm’d you yet?

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I have talked with someone.

Are you doing better now?

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I’m semi alright. I have to convince my bf that I need help.he talks me out of it

I hear the female babbling on at me

@roxanna, you desperately need help. You can’t listen to your boyfriend if he’s keeping you from getting that help. That’s not good.


Is it about the money?
Your bf understands your not in a good place, why would he not want you better?

The doctors and techs were mean hoes and tells someone they’re life ■■■■.

I cannot understand what’s going on

Letting people know where I’m at so they can hurt me

I’m pretty sure it’s the sz making you think that. You have to work with the pdocs and get some help.

What he just likes being by hi

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