Need a reality check asap

OK so got 1 conformation of delusions but need to know…is there anyone on this plant in my head…

hmmm its no me…is it you nemoy

Dude you Ok…

Seriously probly not…

I’m kissing sight of reality really quickly I’m at work on lunch… Can’t eat makes me feel like puking… Can’t sleep… Been going on for bout 2 weeks… Freaking out a little… Thinking of running away just to prove that it wouldn’t change reality but there trying to convince me other wise… But God is on my side

Lossing not kissing

Ya this suxs…

Life is a call of the mind reality is the play!

you well be Ok…dude

Thanks… Gotta go back to work… I really hope this doesn’t affect anything important…

Just make it through this day. That’s all you have to do. Then you can go home and rest. One day at a time.
Did you mean planet? No one is in your head, that’s not reality. Take a few deep breaths.

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I did mean planet … and it seriously feels like there is… there’s talk of limiting the stimulation in there so as not to overwhelm me… and its real to me but I’m scared to confront anyone cause they’ll confirm or deyny… And both aren’t things I want…

I don’t know how to prove it one way or another… Some answers sound like yes others r no… From actual people…