and I don’t know how much longer she’s going to live. She had a heart attack two months ago and they’ve seen the necessity recently to put her on 24 hour cardiac monitoring at home.
And if that isn’t bad enough, she’s has 3b chronic kidney disease. But I told her just the other day that I married her because I loved her and not because she’s in perfect health.
And, she had a chest pain incident today requiring hospitalization. And that’s where she is now, in the hospital.
And I can’t visit her because she’s on the other end of town, I don’t drive or own a car, and they don’t allow visitors with the covid situation anyway.
They were talking about putting more stents in and everything and then, the next morning they sent her home with a diagnosis of “chest pain due to psychological stress”. Ha ha. Now she’s mad at the doctors for thinking she’s crazy.
But they told her she was correct in getting it checked out because her chest pain had been a 9 on a 1 to 10 scale.