To be around me because I am sza. I told my dad I’m not going to freak out or anything. Kinda hurt my feelings. Such a misconception of sza people. Not everyone one with it is going to harm others.
I take my meds religiously lol.
I’m sorry. I have had a few people make ignorant and hurtful comments, too.
Only my closest friends know about my diagnosis. Not even grandma who is 86 knows about it. My parents decided it would impact her health in a bad way if she found out because I am her only grandchild.
Yeah, I’ve had that. It sucks but I find it’s better than the ones that try to pretend they are comfortable and quite clearly are NOT. If only more people would open their minds, maybe ask questions, then it would be so much easier.
I’ve had my support staff be completely hostile towards me when I got discharged from hospital because of my actions when I was psychotic, these are meant to be professional people. It sucks!
Tell your uncle or your dad that you’ve never hurt anyone.
I have only told a few family members about my SZA. Most either avoid me or throw it in my face when they disagree with me. It inspires me to be kinder than they are.
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