What is your family like with sz or mental illness

I am the only one in my family that has sz. My sister use to have panic attacks. My aunt has anxiety issues. My mother and father don’t have mental illnesses. My grandparents didn’t have mental illnesses either.

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I don’t have anyone in my family that I know of with sz either Jake.

When I got diagnosed and put on meds I didn’t get 1 call from any friend/family member for ‘sympathy s’ regarding my new health condition.


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I got a visit from my father step mom brother, and real mom. My aunt also showed up. My aunt taught me to drive.

Its not like I expect everyone to drop everything and show up. I think that was a good showing.

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If a family member gets diagnosed with a life-long-Illness, it is a drop everything and show up moment. Imo

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You had it pretty good then

My mom and dad suffered from depression. My grandmother on my moms side had some kind of mental illness and had some kind of break and spent a year in a nice sanatarium in the 1950’s. My grandfather had money and got her into a nice hospital.

My grandparents really screwed up my mom. She was messed up as a teenager and continued to see a therapist into adulthood. My dad almost got committed, he was on his way home from work one day on a drive he had made a million times but all of a sudden he had no idea where he was. He got out of his car and wandered around and ended up punching a cement wall. The cops came and wanted to put him in a psyche ward but he convinced them not too.

THAT SAID. They both raised a family, my dad always worked and kept us living in nice places and we had decent cars, and we did a lot of fun stuff. My sisters turned out pretty good, got married, had/have good jobs, traveled all over Europe, went to China and a bunch of other places. Had/have friends. And when my problems started when I was 19 my parents were both always there for me until they died, my dad 13 years ago, my mom 6 years ago. I can’t say enough good things about both of them. Despite their issues, I could always depend on them.

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My mom, sister, and 1 brother have schizoaffective bipolar type. So do I. It runs in the family.

Additionally, my grandfather, my sister (same one), and my other brother have borderline personality disorder.

My family is dysfunctional. I hang out with my mom, sometimes, but I can’t go to a lot of public places with her. She tends to cause a scene.

I don’t talk to my sister. She’s a toxic person, putting it lightly.

My brother with SzA and I are good friends. He’s pretty cool.

My other brother with borderline is OK, but he has a really short temper. He yells a lot and causes a scene, too. I don’t really hang out with him, but I’m not totally against it.

My cousin has depression. Otherwise I am the only one with psychosis. My family thinks my illness is shameful and often tells me to hide it. They actually haven’t told my brother about it because they thought it would shock him. To this day, my brother thinks I only have depression.

Sz came from mum’s side. My maternal grandma had two sisters with sz but never told anyone. My mother thought her mother was on autistic spectrum and probably so…Wish I’d known that when I had a depressive break with paranoid overtones back in 1993.

Depression. Dads side. Three of the four siblings besides dad are on antidepressants and one is parkinsons…I got sz and serious depression but there’s so much illness in the family.

A fair amount have depression and anxiety. I have a cousin with sz. My oldest son has tourette syndrome, autism and adhd.

My Dad and siblings don’t get it at all and just think I’m lazy.
My Dad also won’t look up the illness and read about it. Says he’s not a psychologist etc.

My father is odd, but I don’t know if he has a mental illness for sure. He used marijuana in his youth, however. These two things may be connected.

My sister is also odd, but, this might not be mental illness, but sociopathy. However, she may also have used marijuana, like father, but hidden this. Her capacity for empathy is not very great; I don’t think drug use affects this, though.

(I hate drugs, and I will never use them.)

Mom became a bit strange at some point, but I’m not exactly sure when. Her mental health definitely greatly deteriorated, after I entered psychosis. She took better care of herself, before that; schizophrenia is stressful for a household. It is possible that mom also experienced psychosis, but hid this from me. I saw her crying for no apparent reason, staring out into space, early in my mental illness, after I quit my job; she also has acted like different people, sometimes. She was hard to contact by phone, for a while, so I would sometimes wander around the city, a bit, or hang around the airport, after missing the last bus.

I have, sometimes, wondered if we were subjected to a psychic attack of some sort. Pagans or occultists. Father’s family hung around people like this, before I was born, and probably, after, although I wasn’t exposed to them, as far as I am aware. He has never forgiven mom for divorcing him, and he is a spiteful person; I am his unfavorite.

After the 2016 election, I had an extreme emotional reaction, feeling as though America had died, and crying for a week. I was suddenly suspicious of my father and my sister, so, I deleted my Facebook. I, then, spent most of my time following the news on Twitter, and reading books, trying to understand what had happened. Mom was the only person that I was still in contact with who seemed to understand how I felt, and was sympathetic toward me.

Father wanted Trump. Sister voted third party. Former best friend didn’t vote. Mom came to vote for Clinton with me.

The election had a huge significance for me, more than any other event in my life, up to that point. I saw that many people were not moral people, and they didn’t see what should have been obvious to them, but somehow, was not. They didn’t care about America.

I enjoyed collecting data by reading. I did this, for over two years, almost constantly, when I wasn’t working or sleeping. In psychosis, I felt as though other people were parasitically leeching this knowledge that I had slowly accumulated from my head, leaving a slimy, worthless residue behind.

My family thought i didnt have sz because they thought i had drug induced psychosis and thought that AP medication will make sane me for life. However recent relapses made clear i went into psychosis without any drugs and family started to treat me like i should have been long ago

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