My uncle and Aunt came over

My brother said to me the other day he doesn’t want to deal with my mental problems at 7am in the morning. Me and mum argued but doesn’t mean it’s due to illness. Who doesn’t argue.

So i got upset and haven’t talked to him.

Anyway uncle and Aunt came over.

Bro there.

Topic of work came up.

Me: can’t believe I got the job despite mentioning Illness at the interview.

Uncle. They prob liked your honesty.

Me: Its cos they not ignorant…

Him it’s not that they ignorant but wouldn’t tell individuals in the company because they might see it as a weakness and pick on you.

Me exactly !!

And I left the house to come here :grin:

I think my brother heard. My bro has told me to leave my mum’s house cos of my mental problems it’s not easy to hear.

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Don’t listen to your brother Ish, he’s really out of order there. Congratulations on the job though :slight_smile:

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It just hurt he’s tried to get me out of my mum’s house on several occasions over my mental issues. What about his alchol issues.

Well it’s not his house, I’d avoid him if you could or have a sit down conversation to try see what issue he has and explain stigma to him.

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