Never is home. Hadn’t cleaned once since emoving in in June even when he was home everyday. Abandoned his cat here two months ago for me to take care of. Made my house a pigstye. I’ve had several talks with him about it and he never changes. Stopped paying rent two months ago. I can evict him after the 9th and if he is still here I plan to. I blew up on him tonight because I am sick of cleaning up after his cat that poops everywhere and I am sick of the inactivity with changing behaviors that I’ve expressed bother me and no attempt at moving out despite me asking for over a month now.
He basically got played the victim of course and told me there was no need to blow up. I’m done playing nice.
I am not a doormat! I am allowed to be angry! I want mean or anything just bluntly told plans to evict him if he’s not out of here by the 9th.
Do you not have a litter box? There’s this stuff on Amazon called Angry Orange you spray that gets rid of cat smells.
I have 2 litter boxes this cat refuses to use them
Sounds like a good plan Moon. Do you plan on getting a replacement roommate or living on your own?
Live on my own. I have had nothing but toxic roommates
I watch the People’s Court all the time. You have to give him a 30 day notice legally. Then if he doesn’t leave you have to take him to court. Do you own the place?
He’s not on the lease. I am legally his landlord. I am going to also sue him for back rent and filing fees
I have given him over 30 days at this point but I have a kotice to quit dated for the 9th now. I don’t own it
In Indiana it’s 10 day notice to.move
I don’t envy you there. Cat feces and urine smells awful. If you have carpet you may have to get it professionally cleaned after the dude is gone.
No carpet thankfully. That was one reason I moved here since I have so many pets
Oh ok.
You may be able to also sue him for cleaning costs if you have to have the floor cleaned.
My dad bought a house off a lady who just let her dogs/cats poo & piss wherever. It was a wood floor. He literally had to rent a sander and sand the floor down then put new lacquer on it in order to get rid of the smell.
Ugh mine is wood or at least appears to be
Yeah, he totally is taking/took advantage of you. Since he treated you and your house so shabbily you have no reason to feel guilty about kicking him out or getting mad at him. You don’t owe him anything.
I think he is addicted to his Adderall and that is causing him to be so crappy and disgustingly dirty.
Well hopefully a little PineSol will fix it.
I also noticed whe he was here a lot that he drank beer quite a lot and one time almost fell asleep at the wheel when I was in the car and seemed drugged. You can’t walk through his room and there’s cat feces all over his clothes from when he left his cat in his room before he abandoned her (to keep her separated from my cat because they didn’t get along at first). It’s so gross to think I live here, it’s bad for my.mental health but it way too much for me to clean with everything I have going on.