Slowly getting rid of

My roommate. He still hasn’t move don’t and I told him to leave by the 9th. So yeah I have to file for eviction, everytime I go to something pops up and now I’m in quarantine. But I’ve been cleaning my qhole house slowly and he did actually clear out one room (but left 10 trash bags for me to dispose of, causing fruit flies). I did dispose of the trash with the help of my landlord, and today cleaned the floor real well in that room and moved my desk out there. I have so much more space in my room now it’s amazing. I also replaced his jank microwave that would take double the amount of time to heat.

So, things are slowly moving in the positive direction just not at the pace I was hoping for and frankly deserve.


I once had a nightmare roommate that I had to kick out. I didn’t handle it properly. I told her to get out and when she didn’t I packed up all her stuff, put it outside, and changed the locks. I don’t recommend that. Going to court to evict your roommate is the best option


I wanted to do that so bad but it’s illegal unfortunately lol

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Yeah, @LilyoftheValley is right, let the courts take care of it. I put out a roommate before, I packed all his stuff and put it outside. He came home and he was pissed, it came close to a fight which I probably would have lost. It worked though and he left but I probably wouldn’t do that again. You probably won’t get this guy out by yourself so use the legal system. Don’t feel guilty, he’s asking for it, he’s totally taking advantage of you. If you set dates for him to leave and then don’t enforce it then he’s going to learn that you’re not serious and he’ll never leave.


Yeah I wish I could have filed before I possibly caught covid but I was pretty ill for a couple weeks mentally then I was just busy. But Wednesday I can come out of quarantine and I’m going to go file.


When I needed to get an unsavory (that’s putting it nicely) roommate out. I colluded with the downstairs roommates and the landlord lol. We created insane rules that the landlord approved of.
My landlord said to make it as difficult as possible so he would want to move out.

Like throttling the person’s internet after 10pm or any suspicious internet bandwidth use resulted in throttling of his internet. I was in charge of the router and only I had the password :joy: And we assigned him many chores lol.
He was a 12 hour a day internet gamer so his precious internet was his life lol

It was a gong show for a few months till he left. My roommate hosed him down with the waterhose when he was moving lolol


Y’all make me so happy I’ve never had to share a place. I lived with my mother, then moved straight in with my hubby. I don’t think I like people well enough to live with a non-family member. Heck, I won’t even live with certain family members!


Yeah living with multiple random strangers is a luck of the draw if it works

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