I finally found a good pdoc and shes leaving end of this month…
Sux ass !!
I dont want to even see someone else !!
Over it !
I finally found a good pdoc and shes leaving end of this month…
Sux ass !!
I dont want to even see someone else !!
Over it !
I’m sorry @anon39015889 but don’t give up on finding another doctor.
There are some good ones out there.
Sorry mate, does she at least have some leads into getting a new Pdoc? Recommendations or colleagues?
Thanks guys.
Yea shes putting me in touch with the new Psychiatrist thats taking over her practice and rooms.
It just sux cause I feel like i have to start over all from the beginning !!
I hated that about the hospital school in Iowa City
I’d see one resident doctor then he or she would leave, then it’d be another one
I got on one guy, and said why don’t you move to rural Iowa
where we need more doctors, he just kinda changed the subject.
That sucks! I hate change in my treatment team, unless the person leaving wasnt that good.
It sounds like she was a very good psychiatrist, but I would give the new one a chance. The hardest part is getting used to new styles.
I am going through the same thing. Mine retires in October.
When I lost my old case manager it was never the same.
I predict the same thing will happen
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