Thinking about continuing seeing my nutritionist

I didn’t like the fact that she pushed a diabetes med on me for weight loss.
But she’s a doctor after all and part of her practice is prescribing meds.

I’ve decided to continue seeing her.
She’s helped me lose a lot of weigh with her guidance on nutrition and diet.

I will just tell her that I don’t want any meds prescribed to me.

If she doesn’t understand this and gives me a hard time then ill leave her.

I’m not going to give up so easily.

I’ve lost a couple of pounds recently.


That sounds like a good idea @Wave. Good luck!

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That’s really great that you’ve lost weight. And I support you in you decision to get help from a nutritionist without the meds. Sometimes I look at all the pills I am taking and think this has got to stop. Hopefully with home traction I can get off most of the pain meds and that will be 6 less pills a day, sometimes more.

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I think not taking meds you don’t need is a good idea. I didn’t take meds for my weight loss journey. I just took what I already needed.

I’d be very insistent with the dr about no meds if you’re going to stick with her. If she argues with you or seems irritated by it, you really should fire her

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I’m curious why you don’t want the meds, though. Are they known to have terrible side effects? From what others have told me,the meds really help a lot.

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She prescribed me the highest dose of an injectable diabetes medication.
I’m already on enough medications.

And if I decide to take another diabetes medication I wouldn’t need the highest dose.
I’m already on metformin.

I’d prefer if my family doctor manages my diabetes.

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Thanks @anon1517417 @Leaf @LilyoftheValley and @Ninjastar


You mean insulin? Insulin is necessary.

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It’s not insulin. I used to have a diabetes injection that helped my body produce insulin, but the injection itself was not insulin @Oolaloola

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Okay. If it stimulates insulin production that’s is good. But definitely the fewer meds the better. I agree with that for sure.


I changed my mind.
I decided to no longer see her.
I really didn’t like how she forced medications down my throat.
Very unprofessional.

I cancelled my appointment with her.

I know which diet works for me anyway.

I’ve learned the necessary basics from her already.

@anon1517417 @LilyoftheValley @Leaf @anon78876561 @Ninjastar


If you can do it on your own, then that’s awesome!

Good luck! You are strong.

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Thanks @anon78876561!

Good luck @Wave!

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Thanks @anon1517417!

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I completely support your decision

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Thank you @LilyoftheValley

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YW! Good luck! :slight_smile:

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