They understand the depression half of my illness, but they have no absolutely no idea what psychosis is. It’s really frustrating! Any time I try to talk about my symptoms, they just blame everything on depression. I’m sure they’re trying their best, but I just wish that they could understand what it’s like.
I guess depression is a lot more relatable, it’s easier to imagine being sad because everyone has sad moods, than it is to be imagine being psychotic.
yea i understand, my parent dont understand what i go through everyday, you need a therapist that can listen to you, someone you can trust your feelings and issues to. Find one in your area.
Remeber they still love you and care for you. thats good you talk about problems here.
My Dad is absolutely disinterested and against trying to learn about my illness. He says “I’m not a psychologist” and just doesn’t even try to look it up.
i think my parents try their hardest to understand me but psychosis is hard to understand i think…
@spiderpig @oe1489 @StarCrazy @lekkerhondje
Thanks guys
Bahaha thanks
how are you doing @anon2818416 ?
My mom has made strides in understanding. She now accepts that I need my medication, but she thinks that since I take my meds I shouldn’t have any symptoms anymore. It can be frustrating sometimes, but it is nice that she tries. I’m just glad I have the forum full of people who do get it. It makes me feel less alone.
My father and especially my brother just don’t give a damn.
When I asked my brother yesterday why he never asks me how I am doing in my life from time to time, he said that it’s because he doesn’t care.
Such a miserable person.
Well damn that’s rude. What an a**hole.
He’s a psychological mess.
I actually feel sorry for him.
Someone asked in Reddit yesterday if ‘life was worth living.’ Not in a suicidal manner…
But this a forum of normies and probably the top 5 replies were complaints about being overworked.
@naturallycured keeps talking about ‘the great reset.’ I don’t really know what it is tho. Something about everyone in the world taking a big chill pill and not stressing so much. Idk, I could be wrong…
Oh wow I apologize.
Actually he’s pretty bored and miserable.
Don’t be sorry @Loke
You are right.
I think that he could be depressed.
He suffers from clinical depression and is taking meds for it.
I’m okay it’s really nice to have the support of people on the forum
glad to hear you are ok!
yea i think so too =)