so i tried to get my p/doc to explain what he was doing with my diagnosis, he re-diagnosed me with a personality disorder and i got the impression he did not want to talk about it,
i spoke to him but it was so confusing and i didnt really understand what he was saying so after the meeting i asked him if he can send me information about it and he said he would post it out
i dont like this kind of limbo where everything is confusing its making me feel bad not knowing, like i thought i knew what was wrong but now i’m like ‘what?’
i thought i’d have this diagnosis for life, he told me to keep taking the meds though i hope it doesnt make me unwell.
no he seems to have said i was misdiagnosed paranoid sz which i think is unbelievable bc i have had all the symptoms, delusions, paranoia, i’ve had everything i think although i dont like to admit i have had internal auditory hallucinations and persecution delusions, delusions of grandeur, blunt effect, negative symptoms, and i cant believe he can sit there after only seeing me about 5 times and tell me it was all wrong
@Om_Sadasiva says it anxious dependent personality traits
i know what you mean but what if it is true and i just didnt realise it all these years? i kind of like having a break from the sz diagnosis though but i am worried about it and confused
i have improved but i see myself as stable and functioning well on meds, i think he might be trying to look deeper but he hardly knows me and idk if he has read all of my notes, i’d like to read my notes, its very strange i just dont get it, its really annoying
You should ask him why you need the meds if he believes it’s just a personality disorder. Maybe he’s saying you have a personality disorder in addition to the sz?
i asked him, and he said i still need the meds despite what he thinks the diagnosis is, he said he thinks that i have always had a personality disorder with psychotic features or sz features