My only close friend lives halfway across the country

From 11-14 we hung out like every day then still a lot until 16 but we were at different schools then, then I moved across the country and now we’re both 25 and keep in close touch. I wish I had friends here though.


I’m glad you still have that friend. I hope you make friends closer to you though.


Thanks @HollyHobby me too


It’s really special when you keep in touch from that age

Real nice.

It makes for a strong bond

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Do you have anyone like that miss slothy

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Sort of. I have a friend whom we used to hang out regularly. But in her late teens me and her parted ways. She said let’s meet up sometime. Like 2 years ago. But I feel I’m not ready to. Because of my state of mind. She’s amazing…

It’s really nice you actually do keep in contact atm. Must feel soothing.

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You never know she may be non judge mental about it. My friend is.

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She has this thing where she can tell when I’m not being open. And she doesn’t like it cos she knew I was troubled.

So I need to find a way to become more transparent first.

I’m glad your friend is non judgmental

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I wish you the best of luck miss slothy :innocent::innocent:

I know this illness is hard.

It’s nice to have long term friends. I’m sorry you’re far apart now

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