he asked me about types of porn video i like
do you like gay porn ??
why do you like japanese porn ??
do you like lesbains videos??
i was very shy out of his questions
i never imagined that doctor wd ask such questions
Yea lol that’s a strange one
That’s not normal (unless it was a very strange joke)
wow, I wonder if he’s one of these that thinks homosexuality
is a mental disorder.
I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t have answered any of those questions
but then again she only asks me a few questions, nothing inquiring.
Umm… Yeah, that’s pretty inappropriate in my opinion.
My doctor asks me about my sexual life because medication affects to sexual life. But he doesn’t ask me about porn. That’s not normal.
That never happened.
@saynow Honestly, so-called mental health “professionals” usually have more issues than their patients.
My last therapist asked me if I masturbated.
I thought it to be a bit strange asking me this but psychologically speaking I’m sure she had her reasons.
I was a bit embarrassed.
i know person was ill and he was in faculty of medicine
he specialized thereafter in psychiatry
Yea imagine listening to peoples problems the whole day.
Would drive me crazy @_@
I’m considered the most normal in my crazy family. I think, after 30 years of therapy, it might have worked for me.
Those are not standard questions that should be asked. I would find a new doctor if I were you that sounds very sketchy.
Ditch that doctor! That’s highly inappropriate. Get a new pdoc for sure!!!
That is strange, I have never spoken about sex and related matters at my psych clinic, nobody has ever asked about sex, I do not know how I could answer to those questions, but no porn for me.
@mjseu are you feeling better lately.
you mentioned you had serious depression.
I am feeling better now. My bicycle is being fixed, spring is coming.
to some degree i do think schizophrenia has sth to deal with latent homosexualty/suppression of gay feeling…
also i am thinking whether watching porn excessively meanwhile u dun hv any stimuli is related to it…
@saynow, did you bring up the subject of porn first to him?
I thinks it’s extremely inappropriate for any psychiatrist to ask you questions on pornography.
I would seriously consider finding a new doctor.
Yea i told him 1st about this topic